Thought leaders in the movement.
Our publications.
Tipsheet: Marketing in the Movement
Self-Employed Survivors Series
Ethical Recording of Lived Experience Experts
Applying the 6 Pillars of the Survivor Equity & Inclusion Framework
National Anti-Trafficking Resource List
Updated January 2023
Language Justice in Human Trafficking
16 Best Practices for Trauma-Informed Interpreting and Translating
Safe Housing in San Francisco
A Community Needs Assessment
Ligtas na Pabahay sa San Francisco
Isang Pagtatasa sa Mga Pangangailangan ng Komunidad
Vivienda segura en San Francisco
Una evaluación de las necesidades de la comunidad
National Economic Justice Report
Beyond Workforce Development for Survivors of Trafficking
Rapport National sur la Justice Économique:
Au-delà du Développement de la Main-D'œuvre pour les Survivants de Trafic d'êtres Humains
Informe Nacional de Justicia Económica
Más Allá del Desarrollo de la Fuerza Laboral para Sobrevivientes de la Trata
Barriers to Therapy for Survivor Leaders in the Anti-Trafficking Movement
Where Does the Expert Go for Support?
Normalizing COVID-19 Anxiety for Survivors of Trafficking
How the Experiences During the Pandemic Can Mirror Psychological Coercion Tactics Used by Traffickers
The Power of a Movement
A Letter to the Anti-Trafficking Community as January, Human Trafficking Prevention Month, Comes to a Close